REALTY UNIVERSAL, for sale by owner

For Sale by Owner 

Get your property listed in your local MLS plus many of the top home searching websites.

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Why should I list my property in the MLS (Multiple Listing System) ???

While selling your home or commercial property on your own saves you the cost of paying a listing commission, statistics show that 90% of all buyers still come from the MLS and other websites.
The For Sale by Owner program by REALTY UNIVERSAL, Inc. provides you with the best of both worlds. Just the cost of advertising in local papers would use up our fee in no time. Save yourself thousands with maximum exposure through the MLS. 

Sign-up for the For Sale By Owner program today!

Having the ability to list your home on these sites gives you the highest web exposure in the United States. has over 1,300,000 agents posting their listings giving it the highest exposure thus far, accessible worldwide of course!

We also offer: For Sale By Owner Kits, documents, contracts, support materials to manage the way your property will be sold, which dramatically increases your market ability & with consulting affiliates nationwide, you are able to consult with REAL estate brokers & agents in your area. Select from “MENU” options tailored to fit your needs and budget.

Meet the founder of 

nathalie mullinix, founder of realty universal, realty universal, fsbo, for sale by owner, top 100 realtor,
Nathalie Mullinix averaged over $80 million a year in sales prior to stepping back to focus more on building the REALTY UNIVERSAL® Membership Network. Licensed since 1985, she sold more than $12 million a year by her third year in business. 
Nathalie was with Remax in 1989 & won an award for being top 1% in the country (requirements for this award was to gross over $100,000 in commissions), 
which she did in only 3 months!

She started Nathalie Mullinix Realty, Inc. (a conventional real estate company) in 1990 and Nathalie Mullinix Referral Company, Inc. in 1991 in Maryland. 
In 1996 she founded Nathalie Mullinix REALTY UNIVERSAL®, Inc. and REALTY UNIVERSAL ®, Inc. in Maryland. 
In 2001, Nathalie Mullinix REALTY UNIVERSAL®, Inc., has opened in Hawaii. 

REALTY UNIVERSAL® offers services to agents, brokers, sellers & buyers in all 50 states & worldwide including, but not limited to, fee for service, flat fee, full service, consulting, training, tele-seminars, private coaching, referrals and more through our 
Real Estate Menu Systems®.

To learn more and for information on this concept, call or email us. 

”With the world becoming smaller thanks to the internet and modern technologies, it is imperative to plan well into the future. Customer and client needs will change drastically and we expect to make the transition as smooth and efficient as possible.” ~ Nathalie Mullinix, 1996.

In addition to hands-on sales Nathalie was involved in developing projects, investing, building and managing two real estate offices. She personally sold over 2000 clients homes in 17 years. In 1993-1994 Nathalie and her Maryland agents met far too many sellers who could not afford to use an agent, even if they wanted to. Prices had declined dramatically – “We did not want to become a discount brokerage, yet we wanted to be able to help these people...” so Nathalie created a “Real Estate Menu System” where you are able to choose what fits your needs and budget. The Menu System has now become the way of the future.

December 17, 2018

We have built a wonderful network of real estate agents and brokers, all well versed in Real Estate Menu Systems®, that serve sellers and buyers allowing them to customize their selling and buying process, without being alone. This has even carried over into the commercial industry. I had the vision years ago and have been blessed to be able to test it out in different markets. 80% of our business is repeat business and referrals. We take full advantage of technology, without sacrificing the human touch, relationships and knowledge.

Wishing you a peaceful, healthy and prosperous year ahead!
nathalie mullinix, realty universal, top 100 realtors, best realtor

Why should I list my property in the MLS (Multiple Listing System) ???

While selling your home or commercial property on your own saves you the cost of paying a listing commission, statistics show that 90% of all buyers still come from the MLS and other websites.
The For Sale by Owner program by REALTY UNIVERSAL, Inc. provides you with the best of both worlds. Just the cost of advertising in local papers would use up our fee in no time. Save yourself thousands with maximum exposure through the MLS. 

Sign-up for the For Sale By Owner program today!

Having the ability to list your home on these sites gives you the highest web exposure in the United States. has over 1,300,000 agents posting their listings giving it the highest exposure thus far, accessible worldwide of course!

We also offer: For Sale By Owner Kits, documents, contracts, support materials to manage the way your property will be sold, which dramatically increases your market ability & with consulting affiliates nationwide, you are able to consult with REAL estate brokers & agents in your area. Select from “MENU” options tailored to fit your needs and budget.

Meet the founder of REALTY UNIVERSAL 

Nathalie Mullinix averaged over $80 million a year in sales prior to stepping back to focus more on building the REALTY UNIVERSAL® Membership Network. Licensed since 1985, she sold more than $12 million a year by her third year in business. 
Nathalie was with Remax in 1989 & won an award for being top 1% in the country (requirements for this award was to gross over $100,000 in commissions), 
which she did in only 3 months!

She started Nathalie Mullinix Realty, Inc. (a conventional real estate company) in 1990 and Nathalie Mullinix Referral Company, Inc. in 1991 in Maryland. 
In 1996 she founded Nathalie Mullinix REALTY UNIVERSAL®, Inc. and REALTY UNIVERSAL ®, Inc. in Maryland. 
In 2001, Nathalie Mullinix REALTY UNIVERSAL®, Inc., has opened in Hawaii. 

REALTY UNIVERSAL® offers services to agents, brokers, sellers & buyers in all 50 states & worldwide including, but not limited to, fee for service, flat fee, full service, consulting, training, tele-seminars, private coaching, referrals and more through our 
Real Estate Menu Systems®.

To learn more and for information on this concept, call or email us. 

”With the world becoming smaller thanks to the internet and modern technologies, it is imperative to plan well into the future. Customer and client needs will change drastically and we expect to make the transition as smooth and efficient as possible.” ~ Nathalie Mullinix, 1996.

In addition to hands-on sales Nathalie was involved in developing projects, investing, building and managing two real estate offices. She personally sold over 2000 clients homes in 17 years. In 1993-1994 Nathalie and her Maryland agents met far too many sellers who could not afford to use an agent, even if they wanted to. Prices had declined dramatically – “We did not want to become a discount brokerage, yet we wanted to be able to help these people...” so Nathalie created a “Real Estate Menu System” where you are able to choose what fits your needs and budget. The Menu System has now become the way of the future.

December 17, 2018

We have built a wonderful network of real estate agents and brokers, all well versed in Real Estate Menu Systems®,  that serve sellers and buyers allowing them to customize their selling and buying process, without being alone. This has even carried over into the commercial industry. I had the vision years ago and have been blessed to be able to test it out in different markets. 80% of our business is repeat business and referrals. We take full advantage of technology, without sacrificing the human touch, relationships and knowledge.

Wishing you a peaceful, healthy and prosperous year ahead!

Nathalie Mullinix, Top 100 Realtors, Realty Universal, FSBO, For Sale by Owner
The founder of REALTY UNIVERSAL, Nathalie Mullinix, Realtor, Broker, For Sale by Owner Program
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